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Private Pack

8h - 440€

Group Pack

8h - 200€

Single Lesson

2h - 60€

Windsurf Lessons Level I

8H Initiation


The classes take place in a ratio of 3 students per teacher, these students being of the same class level. The boards used are soft boards thus reducing the risk of any injury.

All classes take place in the Lagoa de Albufeira where there are the best conditions for beginners.


Classes and courses (8h or 4 lessons) can be held in Private (1: 1) or Group (1: 3). Check the prices to choose the best option.


Single lesson - 60€ (two hours/group)

Single lesson - 75€ (two hours/sem private)

Single lesson - 120€ (two hours/private)

Pack eight hours - 200€ (group)


To whom it is intended: Students from the 7 years of age with mastery of the technique of swimming.


What you will learn:


  • Know all the equipment to use and its various types (suit, board, sail, mast, boom);

  • Safety rules in water;

  • Evaluate the wind conditions and choose the sail to use;

  • Mastering the basic techniques of Windsurfing (being in the aquatic environment, mastering the technique of turning at low speed, going up in the wind (bowling), going downwind, navigating crosswise (90º with wind) triangular by the end of 8h)


Contact us to book your session. E-MAIL US

Windsurf Lessons Level II



Classes of technical improvement and accomplishment of the first maneuvers using already smaller boards and with greater speed. 

All classes take place in the Lagoa de Albufeira where there are the best conditions for beginners.


Classes and courses (8h or 4 lessons) can be held in Private (1: 1) or Group (1: 3). Check the prices to choose the best option.


Single lesson - 60€ (two hours/group)

Single lesson - 75€ (two hours/sem private)

Single lesson - 120€ (two hours/private)

Pack eight hours - 200€ (group)


To whom it is intended: Students from the 7 years of age with mastery of the technique of swimming and that have already successfully completed all the techniques of level 1.


What you will learn:


  • Water priority rules

  • How to use the harness

  • How to assemble and dismantle all equipment autonomously

  • Learning and improvement of the gybe technique and board turning

  • Introduction to the technique of gliding and using the footstraps


Contact us to book your session. E-MAIL US

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